Baby Yoda Christmas Tree Decorations
Tiam Safari

The Seed Bubble Sweater 2.0
Tiam Safari

I Like Knitting and I Like Crochet
Tiam Safari

The title says it all: I like knitting and I like crochet! Earlier this year, I worked on two patterns for the summer issues of these mags, and was lucky enough to work on three warm and cosy designs for their October issue! I Like Knitting and I Like Crochet are digital magazines that release six times a year, filled with exciting collections of exclusive patterns. Fully tested and tech edited, they release briefs to inspire designers and then work closely with the designer on the process. The Poplar Cardi It’s not secret that I hate seaming things....
Baby Breton Jumper
Tiam Safari

Neon Newborn Socks
Tiam Safari

These tiny toe-up neon socks are a perfect, on-trend baby knit for you to whip up. The hardest part? Deciding whether to work them in a block colour, or colour-block them in neons and neutrals. Or do what I did, and make both!